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Power capacitor

The power capacitor is the capacitor that is used in the power systems and the electrical equipment. On the self healing type low voltage capacitor, the electrical grade polypropylene film is used as the medium, a layer of metal evaporated film was used as the electrode plate on one side.
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Product description

The power capacitor is the capacitor that is used in the power systems and the electrical equipment. On the self healing type low voltage capacitor, the electrical grade polypropylene film is used as the medium, a layer of metal evaporated film was used as the electrode plate on one side. The element is formed by the non inductive winding method. The metal is sprayed at both ends of the capacitor and the electrode plate is drawn out to act as the electrode. The capacitance of capacitor is determined by its geometric size as well as the characteristics of insulation medium between the poles. When the capacitor is used under the AC voltage, its reactive power is often used to represent the capacity of the capacitor, in units of Var or kVar. The power capacitors are used for the purpose of improving the power factor of the power supply as well as improving the efficiency of the power grid.

The role of the power capacitors:

① In the transmission line, the power capacitors can be used to form a series compensation station, which functions to improve the transmission capacity of the transmission line.

② In a large substation, a reactive power compensation capacitor cabinet can be formed by using the power capacitors. The purpose of this is to improve the power quality.

③ At the end of the distribution line, the power factor at the end of the line can be improved by using the power capacitors, and the voltage quality at the end of the line can be guaranteed.

④ The power capacitors which are installed in the low voltage bus bar sections at the substation can make compensation for the reactive power which has been consumed by the load and increase the power factor on the bus side.

Model description

Model for common reactive power compensation


Power capacitor

Model for separate reactive power compensation

Power capacitor

Product features

Power capacitor


1: The self healing type low voltage capacitor can automatically and quickly restore its insulation performance after the dielectric medium has a local breakdown!

2: The capacitance deviation of the capacitor should not exceed 0 - 10% of the rated value.

3: The tangent value (tgξ) of the loss angle on the capacitor at a temperature of 20 ℃ under the rated voltage of 50Hz should not be more than 0.001.

4: It will be permitted for the capacitor to operate for a long time at a voltage which is 1.1 times as high as the rated voltage, and it will be permitted for the capacitor to operate for a long time under a current which is 1.3 time as big as the rated current for a long time.

NOTE:capacitor; condenser; current condenser; electrical condenser

Power capacitor

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